Frequently Asked Questions
Why is brown sugar packed before measuring?
Packing brown sugar is the most accurate and consistent way to measure it. As you pack it, you're pressing out all the air pockets that get trapped in between the sugar granules—this ensures that your recipes are just as sweet as they’re meant to be.
What’s the best way to store brown sugar?
Ideally, brown sugar should be stored in a cool, moist area in a well-sealed container. But modern houses tend to be drier (and that’s a good thing), so Betty recommends keeping your brown sugar in a ziplock bag or a plastic container with a tightly fitting lid. Want to ensure it stays moist? Put a marshmallow in the bag or container with it.
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var configuration = {"title":"Slow-Cooker Teriyaki-Inspired Chicken Wings","introduction":"\u003cp\u003eMade with umami-loaded soy sauce, spicy ginger and tangy pineapple, these easy slow-cooker chicken wings have a sweet and savory flavor that’s similar to the teriyaki wings at your favorite Japanese restaurant.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\n\u003cp\u003eAs the wings simmer in your slow cooker, the sauce caramelizes into a sticky-sweet glaze that coats each piece of chicken. And the meat is so tender, it almost falls off the bone. Even better: all you need is about 10 minutes prep time in the morning, and you’ll have a crowd-pleasing appetizer ready to enjoy six hours later!\u003c/p\u003e","servingSize":"1 Serving","image":{"small":{"media":"(min-width: 0px)","src":"\u0026t=e724eca7b3c24a8aaa6e089ed9e611fd"},"medium":{"media":"(min-width: 500px)","src":"\u0026t=191ddcab8d1c415fa10fa00a14351227"},"large":{"media":"(min-width: 767px)","src":"\u0026t=191ddcab8d1c415fa10fa00a14351227"},"alt":"Slow-Cooker Teriyaki-Inspired Chicken Wings"},"contributor":{"label":"By","name":"Jessica Walker","displayDate":{"label":"Updated","date":"Sep 3, 2023"}},"ingredientGroups":[{"ingredients":[{"quantity":"3/4","description":"cup granulated sugar"},{"quantity":"1/2","description":"cup packed brown sugar"},{"quantity":"1","description":"teaspoon garlic powder"},{"quantity":"1","description":"teaspoon ground ginger"},{"quantity":"1","description":"cup soy sauce"},{"quantity":"3/4","description":"cup water"},{"quantity":"1/4","description":"cup pineapple juice"},{"quantity":"1/4","description":"cup vegetable oil"},{"quantity":"4","description":"lb chicken wings (24)"},{"quantity":"","description":"Sliced green onions"}]}],"steps":[{"description":"In very large bowl, mix all ingredients except chicken wings and green onions until smooth and sugar is completely dissolved.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Add chicken wings; stir gently until wings are coated in marinade. Refrigerate at least 2 hours to marinate.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Remove chicken from marinade; place in 4- to 6-quart slow cooker.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Add about 1 cup of the marinade to the slow cooker; discard any remaining marinade.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Cover; cook on High heat setting 4 to 5 hours or until juice of chicken is clear when thickest part is cut to bone (165°F). To serve, transfer chicken wings to a large platter; sprinkle with green onions. Serve with cooked white rice, if desired.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"}],"tips":[{"title":"","description":"It’s very important that the sugar integrates with all the other ingredients in the marinade, so you get a nice even coating over the chicken—and it bakes up savory-sweet and sticky! ","category":"Techniques"},{"title":"","description":"Want to make those chicken wings extra-sticky? Once they’re cooked, transfer them from the slow cooker to a foil-lined baking sheet and set them under the broiler for 2-3 minutes, or until just beginning to char. They’ll be delightfully sticky-sweet.","category":"Serving Suggestions/Menu"},{"title":"","description":"If you’re entertaining, you can dress up your chicken wings with all kinds of extra garnishes. If you like heat, a sprinkle of red pepper flakes will give them an easy-going kick. To add some bright notes to the mix, try a squeeze of lime juice or a couple shakes of red wine vinegar. Want to make it prettier AND tastier? Toasted sesame seeds or fresh cilantro will add a pop of color and flavor.","category":"Presentation/Garnish"},{"title":"","description":"Refrigerate leftover chicken wings and their marinade in an airtight container for up to 3 days.","category":"Storage"},{"title":"","description":"Slow Cooker Teriyaki-Inspired Chicken Wings are a natural for fall game days. If you need a couple more ideas to fill in your game day menu, check out our collection of \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003egame day and tailgating recipes\u003c/a\u003e.","category":"Serving Suggestions/Menu"},{"title":"","description":"Slow-cooker chicken wings are just about the easiest way to get the perfect appetizer on your plate. This teriyaki chicken version of slow-cooker wings packs Asian flavors like soy sauce, ginger and pineapple into one tender bite. And because this recipe has 24 servings, you’ll have plenty for a crowd. Serve it as the main course or enjoy it alongside the rest of your favorite appetizers at your next get-together. Then check out the rest of Betty’s \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022\u003echicken recipes\u003c/a\u003e for more delicious main course meals!","category":"Editorial"},{"title":"","description":"Sticky fingers for the win! This recipe for Slow-Cooker Teriyaki-Inspired Chicken Wings is one of the easiest ways to make homemade chicken wings.","category":"Rich Snippet"}],"kitchenTips":[{"title":"","description":"It’s very important that the sugar integrates with all the other ingredients in the marinade, so you get a nice even coating over the chicken—and it bakes up savory-sweet and sticky! ","category":"Techniques"},{"title":"","description":"Want to make those chicken wings extra-sticky? Once they’re cooked, transfer them from the slow cooker to a foil-lined baking sheet and set them under the broiler for 2-3 minutes, or until just beginning to char. They’ll be delightfully sticky-sweet.","category":"Serving Suggestions/Menu"},{"title":"","description":"If you’re entertaining, you can dress up your chicken wings with all kinds of extra garnishes. If you like heat, a sprinkle of red pepper flakes will give them an easy-going kick. To add some bright notes to the mix, try a squeeze of lime juice or a couple shakes of red wine vinegar. Want to make it prettier AND tastier? Toasted sesame seeds or fresh cilantro will add a pop of color and flavor.","category":"Presentation/Garnish"},{"title":"","description":"Refrigerate leftover chicken wings and their marinade in an airtight container for up to 3 days.","category":"Storage"},{"title":"","description":"Slow Cooker Teriyaki-Inspired Chicken Wings are a natural for fall game days. If you need a couple more ideas to fill in your game day menu, check out our collection of \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003egame day and tailgating recipes\u003c/a\u003e.","category":"Serving Suggestions/Menu"}],"additionalContent":[{"title":"What Is Teriyaki?","description":"Authentic teriyaki sauce is typically made with soy sauce, mirin, sugar and sake; however, westernized versions have incorporated honey, garlic and ginger for a little extra zip, which is where we found inspiration for this recipe.","category":"SEO Content_1"},{"title":"How to Serve Teriyaki-Inspired Chicken Wings","description":"\u003cp\u003eChicken wings practically scream “game day!”—and since this teriyaki chicken wings recipe makes 24 servings, you’ll have plenty for a crowd. We love that this recipe pretty much takes care of itself in the slow cooker, so you can go about your day and focus on other party prep while the wings are cooking.\u003c/p\u003e \n\n\n\u003cp\u003eServe them with other foolproof game-day appetizers like \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003eBeer Queso Nachos\u003c/a\u003e, \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003eTaco-Stuffed Mini Sweet Peppers\u003c/a\u003e, or one of Betty’s \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003egame-day dips\u003c/a\u003e. These easy teriyaki chicken wings would also make a wonderful appetizer for fall parties or happy hours—or you could even serve them as a fun back-to-school dinner with a side of rice and a big green salad. Don’t forget the napkins!\u003c/p\u003e","category":"SEO Content_2"}],"faq":[{"title":"Why is brown sugar packed before measuring?","description":"Packing brown sugar is the most accurate and consistent way to measure it. As you pack it, you\u0027re pressing out all the air pockets that get trapped in between the sugar granules—this ensures that your recipes are just as sweet as they’re meant to be.","category":"FAQ_1"},{"title":"What’s the best way to store brown sugar?","description":"Ideally, brown sugar should be stored in a cool, moist area in a well-sealed container. But modern houses tend to be drier (and that’s a good thing), so Betty recommends keeping your brown sugar in a ziplock bag or a plastic container with a tightly fitting lid. Want to ensure it stays moist? Put a marshmallow in the bag or container with it.","category":"FAQ_2"}],"tipCategories":[{"categoryName":"Editorial","heading":"More About This Recipe","cssClass":"recipePartStory","expandOnInit":false,"expandText":"More +","collapseText":"Less -","expandEventName":"","collapseEventName":"","image":"","tips":[{"title":"","description":"Slow-cooker chicken wings are just about the easiest way to get the perfect appetizer on your plate. This teriyaki chicken version of slow-cooker wings packs Asian flavors like soy sauce, ginger and pineapple into one tender bite. And because this recipe has 24 servings, you’ll have plenty for a crowd. Serve it as the main course or enjoy it alongside the rest of your favorite appetizers at your next get-together. Then check out the rest of Betty’s \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022\u003echicken recipes\u003c/a\u003e for more delicious main course meals!","category":"Editorial"}],"isExpandable":false},{"categoryName":"Rich Snippet","heading":"","cssClass":"recipePartMethodNote","expandOnInit":false,"expandText":"More +","collapseText":"Less -","expandEventName":"","collapseEventName":"","image":"","tips":[{"title":"","description":"Sticky fingers for the win! This recipe for Slow-Cooker Teriyaki-Inspired Chicken Wings is one of the easiest ways to make homemade chicken wings.","category":"Rich Snippet"}],"isExpandable":false}],"nutritionInfo":{"configuration":{"showAsTable":false,"noNutritionInformationAvailableMessage":"Nutrition Facts are not available for this recipe","poweredByText":"\u003cp\u003eNutrition information for this recipe is estimated using a leading nutrition calculation application, but is an estimate only. Actual nutrition values will vary based on the exact ingredients or brands you may use.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003ePowered By \u003cimg src=\u0022-/media/05422024943D4056883B09BBC2576F20.ashx\u0022 alt=\u0022Edamam\u0022 /\u003e\u003c/a\u003e","nutritionChartTitle":"Nutrition Facts","nutritionInformationLabel":"Nutrition","servingSizeText":"Serving Size:","dailyValuesDisclaimer":"*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.","percentDailyValueText":"% Daily Value","percentDailyValueFooterTitleText":"% Daily Value*:","exchangeInformationTitleText":"Exchanges:","nutritionFactsExpandText":"More Nutrition","nutritionFactsCollapseText":"Less Nutrition"},"facts":{"carbohydrateChoice":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"1","title":"Carbohydrate Choice"},"vitaminA":{"amountPercent":"0%","amountUnits":"0%","title":"Vitamin A"},"vitaminC":{"amountPercent":"0%","amountUnits":"0%","title":"Vitamin C"},"calcium":{"amountPercent":"0%","amountUnits":"0%","title":"Calcium"},"iron":{"amountPercent":"2%","amountUnits":"2%","title":"Iron"},"protein":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"7g","title":"Protein"},"dietaryFiber":{"amountPercent":"0%","amountUnits":"0g","title":"Dietary Fiber"},"sugars":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"11g","title":"Sugars"},"totalCarbohydrate":{"amountPercent":"4%","amountUnits":"12g","title":"Total Carbohydrate"},"sodium":{"amountPercent":"26%","amountUnits":"610mg","title":"Sodium"},"potassium":{"amountPercent":"3%","amountUnits":"115mg","title":"Potassium"},"cholesterol":{"amountPercent":"13%","amountUnits":"40mg","title":"Cholesterol"},"transFat":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"0g","title":"Trans Fat"},"saturatedFat":{"amountPercent":"9%","amountUnits":"1 1/2g","title":"Saturated Fat"},"totalFat":{"amountPercent":"11%","amountUnits":"7g","title":"Total Fat"},"caloriesFromFat":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"60","title":"Calories from Fat"},"calories":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"140","title":"Calories"}},"servingSize":"1 Serving","exchangeInfo":"0 Starch; 0 Fruit; 1 Other Carbohydrate; 0 Skim Milk; 0 Low-Fat Milk; 0 Milk; 0 Vegetable; 0 Very Lean Meat; 1 Lean Meat; 0 High-Fat Meat; 1 Fat;","showPoweredBy":false,"showRecipeTotalTime":true,"showRecipePrepTime":true,"showCarbohydrateChoices":true},"trademarks":[],"labels":{"ingredientsHeader":"Ingredients","stepsHeader":"Instructions","stepsImageHideText":"Hide Images","stepsImageShowText":"Show Images","stepNumberText":"Step","faqHeader":"Frequently Asked Questions","tipsHeader":"Tips from the Betty Crocker Kitchens","tipItemHeadingFormat":"tip {0}","postedBy":"By","copyright":"© {yyyy} ®/TM General Mills All Rights Reserved","showDrawerText":"Show ","hideDrawerText":"Hide","expandDescriptionText":"More +","collapseDescriptionText":"Less -","ariaLiveLabelFormat":"Showing {0} through {1} of {2}","scrollLeftButtonLabel":"Scroll Left","scrollRightButtonLabel":"Scroll Right","includeScrollIndicator":true},"primaryAttributes":[{"label":"Prep Time","values":[{"text":"10","label":"min"}]},{"label":"Total","values":[{"text":"6","label":"hr"},{"text":"10","label":"min"}]},{"label":"Servings","values":[{"text":"24"}]},{"label":"Ingredients","values":[{"text":"10"}]}],"secondaryAttributes":[],"badges":[],"backgroundImageUrl":"/-/media/GMI/Core-Sites/BC/Images/Shared/RecipeParts/img-bc-rdp-heroDotPattern.png?sc_lang=en","breadcrumbs":{"links":[{"url":"/","label":"Home"},{"url":"/recipes","label":"Recipes"}],"currentPageName":"Slow-Cooker Teriyaki-Inspired Chicken Wings"}};
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