Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between rolled oats, instant oats and steel-cut oats?
Steel-cut oats are made by cutting whole oat groats into 3 or 4 pieces. They’re hearty and take the longest to cook.
Old-fashioned oats—also known as rolled oats—are made by steaming and rolling whole oat groats into flat flakes. Rolled oats are more shelf stable than steel-cut oats, and they cook more quickly.
Instant oats, or quick-cooking oats, are rolled oats that are steamed and flattened a second time, so they cook even faster. They’re often used in baking recipes, like crisps and these Caramel Apple Bars, because they bake up nice and tender—unlike those heartier oats, which can be pretty chewy!
What’s the Difference Between a Crisp and a Cobbler?
Since we’re on the topic, this is one of our top-asked questions! The answer is quite simple: crisps are made with an oat and streusel topping, while cobblers are typically made with a heavier biscuit topping.
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var configuration = {"title":"Caramel Apple Bars","introduction":"\u003cp\u003eThis delightful Caramel Apple Bars recipe pairs two fall favorites: it’s a combination of apple crisp and caramel apples, baked into scrumptiously shareable caramel apple crisp bars. With fresh sliced apples and melted caramel nestled between two layers of buttery brown sugar-oat streusel, it’s the perfect fall dessert.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis is one of our favorite fall baking recipes, because it features classic autumn flavors, it’s a great way to use up apples from an orchard trip and it only takes 20 minutes of hands-on time. Plus, as it’s baking, your home will smell sweet, cozy and comforting. What better way to spend an afternoon as the weather gets cooler outside?\u003c/p\u003e","servingSize":"1 Serving","image":{"small":{"media":"(min-width: 0px)","src":"\u0026t=e724eca7b3c24a8aaa6e089ed9e611fd"},"medium":{"media":"(min-width: 500px)","src":"\u0026t=191ddcab8d1c415fa10fa00a14351227"},"large":{"media":"(min-width: 767px)","src":"\u0026t=191ddcab8d1c415fa10fa00a14351227"},"alt":"Caramel Apple Bars"},"contributor":{"label":"By","name":"Betty Crocker Kitchens","profileUrl":"/about-us","displayDate":{"label":"Updated","date":"Aug 31, 2023"}},"ingredientGroups":[{"ingredients":[{"quantity":"1","description":"cup packed brown sugar"},{"quantity":"1/2","description":"cup butter, softened"},{"quantity":"1/4","description":"cup shortening"},{"quantity":"1 3/4","description":"cups plus 3 tablespoons Gold Medal™ All Purpose Flour, divided"},{"quantity":"1 1/2","description":"cups quick-cooking oats"},{"quantity":"1","description":"teaspoon salt"},{"quantity":"1/2","description":"teaspoon baking soda"},{"quantity":"4 1/2","description":"cups coarsely chopped peeled tart apples (3 medium)"},{"quantity":"1","description":"bag (14 oz) caramels, unwrapped"}]}],"steps":[{"description":"Heat oven to 400°F. \n "},{"description":"Mix brown sugar, butter and shortening in large bowl until smooth and well blended.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Stir in 1 3/4 cups flour, the oats, salt and baking soda until crumbly. ","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Reserve 2 cups oat mixture; press remaining oat mixture in ungreased 13x9-inch pan.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"In large bowl, toss apples and remaining 3 tablespoons of the flour. Top crust evenly with apple mixture. ","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"In small saucepan, heat caramels over low heat, stirring occasionally, until melted.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Drizzle melted caramel evenly over apples. ","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Sprinkle reserved oat mixture over caramels; press lightly.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until apples are tender and topping is golden brown. ","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Cool at least 20 minutes on cooling rack before serving. For 36 bars, cut into 6 rows by 6 rows while warm. Store covered in refrigerator."}],"tips":[{"title":"Variation ","description":"\u003cp\u003eIf you just want to experiment with this recipe, we’ve got a wonderful idea for you — make a date with Date Bars! Instead of the apples, flour and caramels, use 1 pound or about 3 cups of pitted Medjool dates in the recipe. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe substitution is simple: In a medium pot, combine the dates with 1 1/2 cups water and 1/4 cup sugar and cook them over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes or until thickened. Set the dates aside to cool, and then layer them over the oat mixture, just like you would have done with the apples and melted caramels. \u003c/p\u003e","category":"Variation"},{"title":"","description":"To prevent your apples from browning, wait to chop them until after you’ve combined the streusel mixture.","category":"Techniques"},{"title":"","description":"Store bars covered in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. The caramel layer will harden, so let them stand at room temperature for a few minutes to soften or warm them in a 250°F oven for 10-15 minutes before serving.","category":"Storage"},{"title":"","description":"If you’re looking for a way to bake with fresh-picked apples, but aren’t in the mood to make a pie, try turning them into bars! ","category":"Rich Snippet"}],"kitchenTips":[{"title":"Variation ","description":"\u003cp\u003eIf you just want to experiment with this recipe, we’ve got a wonderful idea for you — make a date with Date Bars! Instead of the apples, flour and caramels, use 1 pound or about 3 cups of pitted Medjool dates in the recipe. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe substitution is simple: In a medium pot, combine the dates with 1 1/2 cups water and 1/4 cup sugar and cook them over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes or until thickened. Set the dates aside to cool, and then layer them over the oat mixture, just like you would have done with the apples and melted caramels. \u003c/p\u003e","category":"Variation"},{"title":"","description":"To prevent your apples from browning, wait to chop them until after you’ve combined the streusel mixture.","category":"Techniques"},{"title":"","description":"Store bars covered in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. The caramel layer will harden, so let them stand at room temperature for a few minutes to soften or warm them in a 250°F oven for 10-15 minutes before serving.","category":"Storage"}],"additionalContent":[{"title":"What Are the Best Apples for Baking?","description":"This recipe calls for tart apples to help balance out all the sweetness of the caramel and streusel. We also recommend firmer apples that will hold their shape, so they don’t get watery or mushy when they’re baked. Some of our favorite baking apples include Granny Smith, Braeburn, Cortland or Honeycrisp.","category":"SEO Content_1"},{"title":"How Can I Serve Caramel Apple Bars?","description":"One batch makes enough to share, and since these bars travel well, they’re terrific for bringing to fall potlucks and dinner gatherings. They’re not too fancy or fussy, either, so you can whip them up in almost no time! For an extra-special touch, you can dress your bars up with a scoop of ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. Got leftovers? Enjoy them for breakfast the next day with a cup of coffee!","category":"SEO Content_2"}],"faq":[{"title":"What’s the difference between rolled oats, instant oats and steel-cut oats? ","description":"\u003cp\u003eSteel-cut oats are made by cutting whole oat groats into 3 or 4 pieces. They’re hearty and take the longest to cook. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\n\u003cp\u003eOld-fashioned oats—also known as rolled oats—are made by steaming and rolling whole oat groats into flat flakes. Rolled oats are more shelf stable than steel-cut oats, and they cook more quickly. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\n\u003cp\u003eInstant oats, or quick-cooking oats, are rolled oats that are steamed and flattened a second time, so they cook even faster. They’re often used in baking recipes, like crisps and these Caramel Apple Bars, because they bake up nice and tender—unlike those heartier oats, which can be pretty chewy! \u003c/p\u003e","category":"FAQ_1"},{"title":"What’s the Difference Between a Crisp and a Cobbler?","description":"Since we’re on the topic, this is one of our top-asked questions! The answer is quite simple: crisps are made with an oat and streusel topping, while cobblers are typically made with a heavier biscuit topping.","category":"FAQ_2"}],"tipCategories":[{"categoryName":"Rich Snippet","heading":"","cssClass":"recipePartMethodNote","expandOnInit":false,"expandText":"More +","collapseText":"Less -","expandEventName":"","collapseEventName":"","image":"","tips":[{"title":"","description":"If you’re looking for a way to bake with fresh-picked apples, but aren’t in the mood to make a pie, try turning them into bars! 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Actual nutrition values will vary based on the exact ingredients or brands you may use.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003ePowered By \u003cimg src=\u0022-/media/05422024943D4056883B09BBC2576F20.ashx\u0022 alt=\u0022Edamam\u0022 /\u003e\u003c/a\u003e","nutritionChartTitle":"Nutrition Facts","nutritionInformationLabel":"Nutrition","servingSizeText":"Serving Size:","dailyValuesDisclaimer":"*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.","percentDailyValueText":"% Daily Value","percentDailyValueFooterTitleText":"% Daily Value*:","exchangeInformationTitleText":"Exchanges:","nutritionFactsExpandText":"More Nutrition","nutritionFactsCollapseText":"Less Nutrition"},"facts":{"vitaminA":{"amountPercent":"2%","amountUnits":"2%","title":"Vitamin A"},"vitaminC":{"amountPercent":"0%","amountUnits":"0%","title":"Vitamin C"},"calcium":{"amountPercent":"2%","amountUnits":"2%","title":"Calcium"},"iron":{"amountPercent":"2%","amountUnits":"2%","title":"Iron"},"protein":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"2 g","title":"Protein"},"dietaryFiber":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"1 g","title":"Dietary Fiber"},"totalCarbohydrate":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"24 g","title":"Total Carbohydrate"},"sodium":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"130 mg","title":"Sodium"},"potassium":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"80 mg","title":"Potassium"},"cholesterol":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"10 mg","title":"Cholesterol"},"saturatedFat":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"3 g","title":"Saturated Fat"},"totalFat":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"5 g","title":"Total Fat"},"caloriesFromFat":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"45 ","title":"Calories from Fat"},"calories":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"145 ","title":"Calories"}},"servingSize":"1 Serving","exchangeInfo":"1/2 Starch; 1 Fruit; 1 Fat;","showPoweredBy":false,"showRecipeTotalTime":true,"showRecipePrepTime":true,"showCarbohydrateChoices":false},"trademarks":[],"labels":{"ingredientsHeader":"Ingredients","stepsHeader":"Instructions","stepsImageHideText":"Hide Images","stepsImageShowText":"Show Images","stepNumberText":"Step","faqHeader":"Frequently Asked Questions","tipsHeader":"Tips from the Betty Crocker Kitchens","tipItemHeadingFormat":"tip {0}","postedBy":"By","copyright":"© {yyyy} ®/TM General Mills All Rights Reserved","showDrawerText":"Show ","hideDrawerText":"Hide","expandDescriptionText":"More +","collapseDescriptionText":"Less -","ariaLiveLabelFormat":"Showing {0} through {1} of {2}","scrollLeftButtonLabel":"Scroll Left","scrollRightButtonLabel":"Scroll Right","includeScrollIndicator":true},"primaryAttributes":[{"label":"Prep Time","values":[{"text":"20","label":"min"}]},{"label":"Total","values":[{"text":"50","label":"min"}]},{"label":"Servings","values":[{"text":"36"}]},{"label":"Ingredients","values":[{"text":"9"}]}],"secondaryAttributes":[],"badges":[{"badgeType":2,"badgeText":"Gold Medal Flour","label":"Make With","imageUrl":"/-/media/GMI/Core-Sites/BC/Images/Shared/RecipeParts/make-with/Package_GoldMedalv3.png?sc_lang=en","metaDataTags":["9223a3ed-9c14-580f-b9e7-f31f0ba02c9e"],"showMemberInfo":false,"matchedMetadataId":"9223a3ed-9c14-580f-b9e7-f31f0ba02c9e"}],"backgroundImageUrl":"/-/media/GMI/Core-Sites/BC/Images/Shared/RecipeParts/img-bc-rdp-heroDotPattern.png?sc_lang=en","breadcrumbs":{"links":[{"url":"/","label":"Home"},{"url":"/recipes","label":"Recipes"},{"url":"/recipes/dishes/bar-recipes","label":"Bar Recipes"}],"currentPageName":"Caramel Apple Bars"}};
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