Frequently Asked Questions
What size eggs should I buy?
We use regular eggs in all of our recipes, as they are the most commonly purchased size. You can use whatever size you have on hand for great scrambled eggs, however, the amount of water and seasonings you add might need to be adjusted up or down, depending on the size.
Why aren’t my scrambled eggs fluffy?
For fluffy scrambled eggs, be sure your pan is hot before adding the egg mixture. Also, to be sure to get them as fluffy as possible, beat the egg mixture one more time right before you pour it into the pan. Lift the cooked portion to allow the uncooked egg mixture to run under the cooked portion, rather than stirring or flipping them frequently.
How can I change up my scrambled eggs?
These best scrambled eggs are delicious on their own, but when you’re ready for adventure, here’s a few of our favorite ways to make them your own. We love to cook chopped fresh veggies in a little butter in the pan (try chopped zucchini, red bell pepper and chopped onion or any of your favorite combinations—about 1/2 to 3/4 cup total) until tender. Then add the butter called for in the recipe and spread out the veggies in the pan before adding the egg mixture. You can sprinkle the eggs with shredded cheese as they get close to being completely cooked, or, add chopped fresh herbs into the egg mixture before cooking. And also check out the reviews of this recipe to see how our fans like to change it up!
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var configuration = {"title":"Scrambled Eggs","introduction":"If you’ve wondered how to make scrambled eggs that rival the best breakfast joints, we’ve show you all the simple tips and tricks to make the fluffiest scrambled eggs ever. Whether it’s your first time making them or you want to up your techniques, this recipe will be your go-to BFF! They’re perfect for a quick breakfast or a simple dinner when there’s nothing in the fridge,","servingSize":"1 Serving","image":{"small":{"media":"(min-width: 0px)","src":"\u0026t=e724eca7b3c24a8aaa6e089ed9e611fd"},"medium":{"media":"(min-width: 500px)","src":"\u0026t=191ddcab8d1c415fa10fa00a14351227"},"large":{"media":"(min-width: 767px)","src":"\u0026t=191ddcab8d1c415fa10fa00a14351227"},"alt":"Scrambled Eggs"},"contributor":{"label":"By","name":"Betty Crocker Kitchens","profileUrl":"/about-us","displayDate":{"label":"Updated","date":"Dec 18, 2023"}},"ingredientGroups":[{"ingredients":[{"quantity":"6","description":"eggs"},{"quantity":"1/3","description":"cup water, milk or half-and-half"},{"quantity":"1/4","description":"teaspoon salt"},{"quantity":"1/8","description":"teaspoon pepper"},{"quantity":"1","description":"tablespoon butter or margarine"}]}],"steps":[{"description":"In a medium bowl, beat the eggs, water, salt and pepper with a fork or wire whisk until well mixed."},{"description":"In a 10-inch skillet, heat the butter over medium heat just until it begins to sizzle and look hot."},{"description":"Pour egg mixture into skillet. The egg mixture will become firm at the bottom and side very quickly. When this happens, gently lift the cooked portions around the edge with a turner so that the thin, uncooked portion can flow to the bottom. Avoid constant stirring because the eggs will become dry and rubbery rather than light and fluffy."},{"description":"Cook 3 to 4 minutes or until eggs are thickened throughout but still moist and creamy. Serve immediately."}],"tips":[{"title":"","description":"Our scrambled egg recipe is the best for fluffy scrambled eggs! You’ll be a pro on your first try with our step-by-step guide to making easy and quick scrambled eggs.","category":"Rich Snippet"},{"title":"Cook\u0027s Tip","description":"Before buying eggs, open the carton and check that the eggs are clean and uncracked. Gently move each egg to be sure it hasn\u0027t cracked and stuck to the carton. If an egg cracks on the way home, throw it away.","category":"Food Safety"},{"title":"","description":"The way scrambled eggs can be changed up means each time you make them, they can be different! Use up whatever veggies, herbs or cheese are lurking in your fridge to make them your own. Turn them into a weekend breakfast to remember with our \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003eeasy coffee cake\u003c/a\u003e or \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003eDanish puff\u003c/a\u003e, orange juice and coffee.","category":"Editorial"}],"kitchenTips":[{"title":"Cook\u0027s Tip","description":"Before buying eggs, open the carton and check that the eggs are clean and uncracked. Gently move each egg to be sure it hasn\u0027t cracked and stuck to the carton. If an egg cracks on the way home, throw it away.","category":"Food Safety"}],"additionalContent":[{"title":"Are Scrambled Eggs Hard to Make?","description":"Not at all, once you know the tricks! Our scrambled egg recipe is actually a great choice for brand-new cooks, because in 15 minutes you’ll have success (as well as a full stomach!)","category":"SEO Content_1"},{"title":"How Can I Serve Scrambled Eggs?","description":"We are huge fans of good scrambled eggs for both breakfast or dinner! For breakfast, serve them with a side of toast and fresh fruit, such as orange or grapefruit slices. Yum! For dinner, make easy egg sandwiches by spooning the scrambled eggs on pieces of toast. Top with cheese slices and another slice of toast on each; cut the sandwiches in half. (If you like, you can spread the toast with a little mayo and mustard first.)","category":"SEO Content_2"}],"faq":[{"title":"What size eggs should I buy?","description":"We use regular eggs in all of our recipes, as they are the most commonly purchased size. You can use whatever size you have on hand for great scrambled eggs, however, the amount of water and seasonings you add might need to be adjusted up or down, depending on the size.","category":"FAQ_1"},{"title":"Why aren’t my scrambled eggs fluffy?","description":"For fluffy scrambled eggs, be sure your pan is hot before adding the egg mixture. Also, to be sure to get them as fluffy as possible, beat the egg mixture one more time right before you pour it into the pan. Lift the cooked portion to allow the uncooked egg mixture to run under the cooked portion, rather than stirring or flipping them frequently.","category":"FAQ_2"},{"title":"How can I change up my scrambled eggs?","description":"These best scrambled eggs are delicious on their own, but when you’re ready for adventure, here’s a few of our favorite ways to make them your own. We love to cook chopped fresh veggies in a little butter in the pan (try chopped zucchini, red bell pepper and chopped onion or any of your favorite combinations—about 1/2 to 3/4 cup total) until tender. Then add the butter called for in the recipe and spread out the veggies in the pan before adding the egg mixture. You can sprinkle the eggs with shredded cheese as they get close to being completely cooked, or, add chopped fresh herbs into the egg mixture before cooking. And also check out the reviews of this recipe to see how our fans like to change it up!","category":"FAQ_3"}],"tipCategories":[{"categoryName":"Editorial","heading":"More About This Recipe","cssClass":"recipePartStory","expandOnInit":false,"expandText":"More +","collapseText":"Less -","expandEventName":"","collapseEventName":"","image":"","tips":[{"title":"","description":"The way scrambled eggs can be changed up means each time you make them, they can be different! Use up whatever veggies, herbs or cheese are lurking in your fridge to make them your own. Turn them into a weekend breakfast to remember with our \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003eeasy coffee cake\u003c/a\u003e or \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003eDanish puff\u003c/a\u003e, orange juice and coffee.","category":"Editorial"}],"isExpandable":false},{"categoryName":"Rich Snippet","heading":"","cssClass":"recipePartMethodNote","expandOnInit":false,"expandText":"More +","collapseText":"Less -","expandEventName":"","collapseEventName":"","image":"","tips":[{"title":"","description":"Our scrambled egg recipe is the best for fluffy scrambled eggs! You’ll be a pro on your first try with our step-by-step guide to making easy and quick scrambled eggs.","category":"Rich Snippet"}],"isExpandable":false}],"nutritionInfo":{"configuration":{"showAsTable":false,"noNutritionInformationAvailableMessage":"Nutrition Facts are not available for this recipe","poweredByText":"\u003cp\u003eNutrition information for this recipe is estimated using a leading nutrition calculation application, but is an estimate only. 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