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Father's Day Pancakes

By Corey Valley
There’s nothing more special for the kiddos on Father’s Day, than making a fun breakfast for Dad. Here is an easy recipe that kids of all ages can help make!

For Father's Day, my daughters wanted to make some super special pancakes for their Daddy. They had two requirements for these pancakes. My older daughter wanted the pancakes to spell DAD, while the younger one shouted SPRINKLES! (Boy, oh boy, do my girly girls love sprinkles.)

I gathered the pancake recipe (my hubby adores vanilla-flavored anything) ingredients and we got to cooking!


Measuring and mixing the ingredients is a perfect job for the younger children.


Next, we heated our pancake griddle and filled small plastic squeeze bottles with pancake batter. Writing the letters out can be a great job for the older children, with a little supervision from Mom, of course.


Once the pancakes were done, it was time for sprinkles! I had to put a limit on the amount of food sprinkles the girls could use, or Daddy would have ended up with more colorful sprinkles than actual pancakes.


Both girls had a blast helping make this special Father's Day breakfast. What yummy breakfast ideas are you planning on creating for your dad or husband?
