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The Perfect Picnic

By Erin Madsen
Perfect Picnic
The best part about a picnic? By the time you lay down the picnic blanket, all your work is done.

The Drinks

Colorful thirst quenchers start your picnic off right. Try one of these concoctions with lots of ice, and for a fresh accent, pack a few mint leaves to garnish.

The Salad

Some people claim a picnic isn’t a picnic without traditional potato salad. Others prefer easy, elegant panzanella. However you style your moveable feast, Betty has you covered.

The Sandwich

The perfect picnic sandwich is a good traveler, and in fact, tastes even better after the flavors have a chance to marry. But a word to the wise, If your sammie is going to sit awhile, layer ingredients like condiments and tomatoes between meat and cheese so the baguette doesn’t get soggy.

The Main Dish

For a light and easy meal that still satisfies, turn to pre-prepared dishes that do well at room temp. If you have the luxury of a grill at your picnic site, try this fun new twist on nachos that won’t leave a single chip in the pan.

The Sweet Ending

When it comes to the perfect picnic, don’t forget the cake! These home-baked desserts travel well and stay extra moist long after they’re all packed up.