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Retro Recipe: Raspberry Peek-a-Boos

Lifted from Betty's 1964 "The Bisquick Cookbook," these delicate muffins are packed with sweet-tart raspberries and topped with an easy, three-ingredient glaze.
 Retro Recipe: Raspberry Peek-a-Boos

While it’s true you can’t judge a book by its cover, I’m of the camp that believes you can, if only occasionally, judge a recipe by its name. Case in point? This recipe for Raspberry Peek-a-Boos discovered in the 1964 edition of The Bisquick Cookbook. Filed under a section titled “Quick and Glamorous Brunch Breads,” these delicate fruit-filled muffins are more rustic than glam, and irresistible through and through.

 Retro Recipe: Raspberry Peek-a-Boos

Made with sweetened, spiced raspberries (any berry will do!), and a quick-fix Bisquick batter, the resulting muffins are tender, soft and steamy, with the perfect amount of tartness. Topped with an easy three-ingredient icing, these beauties would make a scrumptious addition to any brunch spread or afternoon tea. Best part is they take all of 15 minutes to prep! Simply alternate drops of the batter with the berries ‘til 12 muffin cups are full and pop in a preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes. No fancy methods or equipment required. Cool, drizzle with icing and devour immediately, ideally with a cup of tea or coffee nearby.

 Retro Recipe: Raspberry Peek-a-Boos