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Bloody Mary Bar

Whether it’s a luncheon, a Sunday brunch or a pool party, Bloody Marys are always a popular cocktail of choice.

When served in the morning with a trademark celery stalk, Blood Marys are often associated with curing hangovers. But there is so much more to this drink. Ask anyone who has ever had a Bloody Mary, and you’ll get 100 different recipes! Some like it hot. Some like it spicy. Some like it mild.

The trick to the perfect Bloody Mary? Set up a Bloody Mary bar and let folks have it their way! Whether your guests want salt, lemon, lime, horseradish or all of the above, a Bloody Mary bar let’s them customize their own drink.

You will want to have some basic ingredients available on your bar and then a few extra-special items so your guests can come up with their own concoction.


  • Tomato juice
  • Vodka
  • Hot sauce
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Horseradish
  • Celery salt
  • Black pepper
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Celery stalks
  • Plenty of ice


  • Steak sauce
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Pickled vegetables, like pearl onions, pickles, olives, mushrooms and carrots
  • Cubed cheese
  • Meat and fish, such as bacon, salami and shrimp