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How to Bake a Strawberry Pie Cake

By Stephanie Wise
No need to choose sides! This berry-topped dessert lets you have your pie and cake and eat them both, too.
Strawberry Pie Cake

Admit it: When it comes to dessert, you can be just as indecisive as I am. When faced with the option of pie or cake, I almost always regret the choice I’ve made between the two. Does that pie really taste better than this cake? Should I have chosen that delicious-looking cake over this delicious-tasting pie? It can be torture!

Thankfully, there is one dessert that solves the problem: Strawberry pie cake. What looks like a simple strawberry pie on top is actually both a pie and a cake: Betty Crocker® yellow cake on the bottom with strawberries and a lattice pie crust on top. It’s a surefire way to put to rest the endless battle between two classic desserts.

First, round up your ingredients. The base of the pie cake is made easy with a Betty Crocker® yellow cake mix, though you can choose whatever flavor you like – vanilla, golden vanilla and white cake also work well.

ingredients for strawberry pie cake

Mix up the batter for the cake and pour some of it into a greased pie plate. You can use the leftover batter to make cupcakes or cake pops if you want!

cake batter in pie plate

Toss the strawberries with some sugar and salt.

cut up strawberries in bowl sprinkled with sugar

Bake the cake just until the edges are set but the center is slightly wobbly, then transfer it to a cooling rack to cool slightly.

baked cake in pie plate

Carefully spoon the sugary strawberries on top of the cake.

cake topped with strawberries

Now it’s time to make this cake look like a pie! Layer pre-cut strips of refrigerated pie crust on top of the pie to form a lattice crust.

pie crust over cake and strawberries

Bake the crust until golden, then remove the pie cake from the oven and let it cool slightly.

crimped pie crust edge

Serve it to guests with some fresh whipped cream or cool vanilla ice cream on the side, if desired. The choice between pie and cake is over; the only thing you have to worry about is who’s getting seconds!

baked pie crust on top of cake