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Fluffernutter Cookies

By Brooke Lark
Betty Crocker’s super-talented food editor, Kristen Olson, shows blogger Brooke McLay a few secrets of the Betty Crocker Kitchens…and shares an incredible cookie recipe.

“You ready to cook?” asked Kristen Olson, a raven-haired beauty dressed in Betty Crocker's signature red. With a wink and smile, she settled herself comfortably at the countertop.

I’ll be honest. The whole situation felt wildly surreal. I’d flown in that morning and was now standing in the Betty Crocker® Kitchens, with its rows of gleaming appliances and the hum of dedicated staff baking up plate after plate of delectable treats.

And now, the food editor was waiting to see if I was ready to cook with HER. How exciting is that?! I was more than ready to dive into the kitchen alongside her talented self.

On the menu was a new cookie. Beginning with a basic Betty Crocker® Peanut Butter Cookie mix, we’d be baking Fluffernutter Cookies, a crazy-fab combination of peanut butter, marshmallow and chocolate ganache.

Though Kristen and I had emailed back and forth a few ideas for the recipe, neither of us had ever made it. So we were excited to get our fingers on some spatulas to see if our creation would work (and taste!) as good as it sounded in our heads.

With bowl in hand, we mixed up a batch of Betty Crocker® Peanut Butter Cookie Mix according to package directions.


I always plop my cookies onto a cookie sheet, but Kristen had the clever idea to roll them into balls before baking. I discovered pretty quickly that Kristen has fantastic kitchen instincts and decided to agree with whatever she mentioned.


The cookies were rolled into balls then popped into the oven and baked just until set. Once they were removed from the oven, we turned the oven to broil.

While the cookies were still warm, we used a measuring tablespoon to press a small indentation into the center of each. Do you see where we’re going here? This is getting good.


A scoop of marshmallow fluff was popped into the center of each cookie.

When I work with marshmallow, I tend to accept the fact that fingers are just gonna get dirty. But Kristen showed me a trick for working with sticky stuff. Just dip the spoon into a small bowl of water, then scoop the marshmallow fluff with the moistened spoon. The marshmallow will slide right off of your spoon and into the center of your cookie with no mess. This, apparently, is the sort of thing you learn when you work in the heart of the Betty Crocker® Kitchens. Tres chic!


We returned the cookies to the oven and broiled until the marshmallows were golden brown.


Kristen heated chocolate chips and heavy whipping cream in a glass bowl over a pot of boiling water to create a nice and thick chocolate ganache.


We scooped the ganache into a large plastic bag, snipped off one corner and piped the chocolate over the toasted marshmallow fluff.


Voila! The cookies turned out even better than we’d expected. With crisp-tender cookies, crunchy toasted marshmallow and gooey chocolate, this is one batch of treats you’ll want to add to your list of favorites.


When our cooking session was winding down, there was only one thing left to do. Eat! Which is exactly what you’ll want to do when you bake up a batch of these incredible Fluffernutter Cookies in the comfort of your own home. From the Betty Crocker kitchens to you, enjoy!
