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Birthday Cake Cookies

By Brooke Lark
Turn a box of cake mix into these clever, colorful cookies in a matter of minutes. It's a bright and festive way to say “Happy Birthday!”

Every year, my kids check the calendar to see on which days their birthdays will fall. When they discover the birthdays are on school days, rejoice! That is about as cool a birthday as one can have. 

So when their birthdays come around, the kids want to celebrate with their classmates, of course. They always ask to bring treats and usually request a batch of cupcakes. Thing is, cupcakes can be time consuming and really unfriendly to tote to school. Plus, they are so status quo. Which is why it’s about time we put a twist on birthday treats. And these fun little Birthday Cake Cookies are a great way to celebrate in new, super-savvy style.

Birthday Cake Cookies

Pulling together a batch of these pretty cookies is easy. And best yet, it’s customizable. If you’ve got a party kid who loves pink, just toss a handful of pink sprinkles into the batter and your cookies will be splendidly personalized.

Birthday Cake Cookies
Birthday Cake Cookies

Looking for blue or green or blue and green? Sprinkle away! Bake it up, and you’ve got a birthday treat that is sure to please!